Hello and Welcome
This is the RPG fx website. Herein, you will find collections of images past and present. Currently, they are probably a little more disparate than experts on the subject of photography websites might recommend. I don’t know if that reflects the collection of divergent experiences in my life or is more reflective of an innate inability to stay focused on a single topic. Regardless, it will undoubtedly change as time passes so, please, check back often for changes or new additions.
Again, contrary to what is often emphasized, one thing I attempt to document in photographs is what many would characterize as the mundane. Aspects of day-to-day life that are often taken for granted but I believe inherently important. Particularly when they capture a concept or perspective reflecting fundamental aspects or questions.
An interesting contrast in some ways is I find the unusual fascinating as well. Fairly common in that a good subject generally makes for a good picture. A unique look or something thought provoking. A reconciliation of my divergent interests might be the goal of capturing the essence, or at least an example, of emotion or ideology. Not necessarily “what is” always but that desired to be remembered.
Often images are limited to spur of the moment efforts or specific events viewed as social markers or celebrations such as graduations, weddings, vacations, etc. Though such are certainly important, it seems the participants are often conforming to a concept. In my view, photographs should be expressions of what truly reflects the subject, whatever it may be, in the most meaningful way. For individuals, capturing a reflection of interests, goals and achievement uniquely fashioned to a time and place is my objective.